Gifford Middle School Band Parents Association (GMSBPA)

The Gifford Middle School Band Parents Association, Inc. (GMSBPA) is the official school-sanctioned parental support group for the Gifford Middle School Bands.  Its purpose is to enhance the band program by various means: providing funds through fundraising efforts, chaperoning band activities, supplying a volunteer workforce for clerical and other everyday activities, maintaining concert attire, publishing a newsletter, and other support activities as needed.  The GMSBPA is here to assist the band students and the band director in whatever manner is needed to achieve a smooth and orderly band program.



  • Communications

  • Logistics Support

  • Volunteer support (at school and outside)

  • Scholarships

  • Clinicians

  • Plan and fund social activities (end of year awards party, etc.)


The GMSBPA and the band students sponsor several fundraising events during the year.  The proceeds are used to pay for our office equipment and supplies, sheet music for the students, buses to transport the students to band events, rental trailers to move the band equipment and instruments, concert expenses, instrument repair, musical equipment, instructional materials, postage, legal expenses, clinicians, band camp, and band camp scholarships.  Fundraisers include the Raw Honey in the fall, Vidalia Onion sales in the spring, and popcorn sales after school on Tuesdays.  Contact us at if you would like to participate. Many volunteers are needed!


The GMSBPA needs a large number of volunteers for many functions and activities.  There are a number of committees and positions that provide opportunities for you to help support the band.  If you are available for one or more of the following positions, please contact the GMSBPA at:

  • End of the Year Ice Cream Social Coordinator: Develop a decorations theme for the event, set-up/take-down decorations before/after the event


Executive Board


President Lisa Page

VP Logistics Cinnamon Nather

VP Fundraising Amanda Emanuel

Treasurer Christina Roy

Secretary Cecilia Castaneda